43. How to Use the Keyword Golden Ratio to Help Land Clients for Your SEO Agency | Doug Cunnington

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Speaker: Welcome to the ranking revolution
podcast, your go to source for strategies

and ideas for SEO, organic growth,
content creation, and online business.

I'm Doug Cunnington, your host.

Today, we're going to talk about the
keyword golden ratio and how it can help

you land clients for your SEO agency.

So whether you're just starting out or
you're looking to get more clients, it

should be able to help you get some quick
wins and build trust with your clients.

We're going to cover Few intro
things about the KGR, which will

refer to the keyword golden ratio is
KGR from moving forward from here.

And then we'll talk
about some pros and cons.

I'll give you a little step by
step too, but really you'll be able

to integrate the ideas into your
normal sales process overall, and

it could fit in certain places.


The keyword golden ratio is a way that
you can find low competition keywords.

I'll link up so you can do a little
bit more research if you want to.

And I'll give a quick definition.

So you take the number
of all entitled results.

Then you divide that by the
local monthly search volume.

And generally you're looking for a KGR.

of under like 0.

25 lower is better and up to about one
and you end up with this ratio, right?

You end up with a ratio
and you're looking for 0.

25 or less is really the best spot.

And generally it progressively
gets more competitive and really

competitive terms might Have, you know,
a very huge whole number, like 25.

So we're looking for this ratio.

Key thing is you're looking for
a search volume of 250 or less.

So it really forces you to find
keywords that are low competition.

And that's, that's the important part.

The, you know what, I think
we can get into some of the

other, other areas right now.

We don't need to go too deep
into the details of the KGR.

So the big thing is you end
up with very quick results.

So back in the day when I first
developed the keyword golden ratio, we

were able to rank within like 24 hours.

While this is still possible,
SEO has changed so much.

And because of the adoption of low
competition keyword content plans,

there are really, there are fewer low
competition keywords because people

are going after long tail keywords.

So why does KGR matter for SEO agencies?

It is a kick ass name.

Keyword golden ratio sounds like
it's something that someone,

a layperson can understand.

We have heard of the golden ratio
and while there is no actual

golden ratio in the KGR, it's still
catchy and it's still familiar.

So you'll be able to basically
share your expertise.


Giving this kind of simple definition
and you could show people, Hey, this is

like the supply and demand of keywords so
that you're able to explain this concept.

Usually people are a little
confused by keyword research.

Maybe they've done some themselves
and they didn't run across,

uh, you know, this concept.


You'll be able to explain
it and teach them.

And it's a simple, very simple formula.

It's all entitled results divided
by the local monthly search volume.

And because it's so simple, you can
explain it to the lay person and they

understand what you're talking about.

Again, it's the supply
and demand of keywords.

Basically more people are searching
for a particular term than there are

results on the internet in general.

And that means you have an easier.

Time trying to rank for it.

Cause you literally have fewer people
competing with you for those terms.

So you could explain it
sort of in the same way.

The big, the big thing is you're able
to deliver results pretty quickly.

So if you show them the KGR, you'd
find some KGR terms for them.

You'll be able to build trust really
quickly because you'll get results.

As you probably know, SEOs and
marketing folks often have.

Really bad reputation with normal
businesses and clients out there

because they've been burned in the past.

They were promised a lot of results and
sometimes they get no results, even though

they invested a lot of time and money
into it, so quick sort of step by step, if

you don't have a sales process, or maybe
you're just starting off with your agency.

So you can.

Kind of relate with your client, you
could identify their pain points.

You could let them describe
what issues they are having.

Are they having trouble
ranking the content?

Do they even know what kind
of keywords to go after?

And just kind of let them
explain what their issue is.

So you can use the KGR kind of tailor it
to make sure it addresses those issues.

The good part is You should
be able to kind of shoehorn

the KGR into any situation.

As long as they're trying to get more
traffic on their website, you should

be able to use the KGR in some way.

To address that pain point directly.

Next, maybe before you introduce the,
uh, you know, specifics of what you're

going to do, share a KGR case study.

So if you have done this before,
either for a client or your own

site, you can share those results and
say, Hey, we went from this to this,

and there's, There's nothing more
powerful than a before and after.

So you could show what
the KGR was able to do.

If you have several
examples, that's even better.

If you have an example that's in
that person's industry, great.

So the more specific the better,
but if you don't have any examples,

you should be able to search
online and find other people that

have used the KGR to get results.

That builds a little bit more trust.


The next thing you could do is put
this into a content plan, right?

So you can do sort of a trial job and
this is where you potentially can grow

your business and get more clients.

You say, Hey, we can go after, I
mean, I'm, I'm just going to make

it up 10 or 20 different keywords.

We'll write the content, maybe.

Depending on your business model,
maybe you charge a very small

amount, so it like covers your costs.

Then maybe you offer it for free if
you have enough leeway, but you have

to consult your, you know, your own
business model and what you're able to do.

But you might be able to do this
for a very low cost and just see

what kind of results You're going to
get in the point is you're probably

going to get good results because
you've done the due diligence of

checking the specific KGR keywords.

They're low competition.

You're going to write the content most
likely, and you're going to optimize

it from an SEO perspective, and you'll
be able to get results very quickly.

This is in contrast with Maybe the
older style or not using long tail

keywords where you maybe publish
content, not you let's, let's say

it's another SEO agency, right?

They say, Hey, we got to publish
content for like six months or 18

months or some long amount of time
before we're going to get any results.

And if you're saying, Hey, we could
do this quick test, we'll publish.

20 pieces of content.

We'll see what happens.

Let's see if this stuff ranks.

And if you're able to get results
faster than other people, then

they're going to trust you.

They're going to trust you a lot more.

Not because you're, you're sharing a
case study, but because you're literally

getting results on their website.

So that is how it works.

Basically, if you're able to
build that trust, then you'll be

able to upsell them for other.

Services, right?

So maybe it's managed SEO services
where you're doing, uh, content, you're

getting links, you're doing other PR
and other promotion, and maybe you're

doing outreach for podcasts as well.

So if you're able to build trust right
away and get results, they're more likely

to sign on and do more work with you.

One sort of side thing you could do
is create some sort of a KGR audit as

a, a lead magnet, and that way you.

Potentially can provide like 10 keywords
or something like that and get them

to sit through your sales presentation
or whatever it is you need them to do.

So some of the pros, I sort of explained
some pros and cons along the way, mostly

pros, but I'm going to hit them really
quick just to make sure it's very clear.

So you'll be able to get
quick wins for your client.

You'll be able to get
quick wins for your client.

So I'll see you in the next video.

You'll probably be able to land
more business because you are

building more trust with them.

And if you have gotten results in
the past and you say, Hey, we should

check out this other, other strategy.

Digital PR.

They'll probably go along
for the ride with you.

And overall it builds trust.

I can't say that enough.

Next, let's talk about the cons.

So the issue, one of the main
issues is it's limited in scope.

So these are long tail keywords.

A lot of times they're going to be.

Low search volume.

And inherently they're probably not
going to attract a lot of traffic.

Sometimes that's not the case.

Sometimes they bring in more traffic
than you expect, but a lot of times

it's just going to be a trickle.

Now, depending on the business,
they may be fine with that.

They might only need a couple of, you
know, Leads per week to make their

business work because it's a high
end, high cost, um, sort of business.

Essentially it might be limited in scope.

The other thing is there's
not an unlimited number of

low competition, KGR keywords.

So at some point.

You're not going to have
more KGR terms to go through.

It depends on the niche, but at some
point you're going to run out of keywords.

I guess that goes for any,
any niche or any keyword.

At some point you're going to run out.

Some niches just have way more
keywords and topics in general.

The other thing is if you get
quick results, that's fantastic.

You're going to build trust, but You have
to manage your client's expectations.

So not all of your keywords
are KGR, for example.

So if you're doing a full comprehensive
content plan and you're executing that

for them, maybe the KGR terms rank
quickly, but maybe the more competitive

terms are going to take much longer to
rank for maybe they'll require a lot of

promotion, link building and otherwise.

So at that point, you probably
need to make sure they know that

you're Not all the keywords are
going to rank as fast as KGR.

So we covered a lot.

I tried to be brief today.

Sometimes I go on a little bit too long
and I feel the urge to go on too long.

Right now, the main ideas I think we
summarize pretty well, but you'll be

able to build trust with your clients by.

Using the keyword golden ratio,
you'll be able to teach them

something, a simple concept.

It sounds catchy.

They'll be able to explain it to other
people on their team, other people, the

company, and that is pretty powerful too.

In case you need to get buy in from
other people in the company, because

it's catchy, because it's easy to
explain, it's much easier to get

that buy in from other people, the
decision makers at the company.

Once you have buy in, you can do a
quick trial and get results quickly

and then be able to land more business
and upsell, you know, whatever it is

you're selling, whether it's digital
PR, link building, maybe content.

But once you build the trust and you
actually get results, it goes a long

way, especially if you think about other
sort of scammy or crappy, uh, different,

Things that people try different
things that SEO sell to companies.

And basically, if you can use the KGR
to build trust, you will stand out in

a huge way compared to the other folks.

All right.

That's it.

If you have any questions, shoot me an
email feedback at ranking revolution.


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And we'll catch you on the next episode.

43. How to Use the Keyword Golden Ratio to Help Land Clients for Your SEO Agency | Doug Cunnington
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